What is CR-PBIS?
CR-PBIS is a decision-making framework for school systems to implement in order to improve student academic and behavioral outcomes by using universal language and expectations, consistent behavioral teaching practices, consistent behavioral response guidelines, and data to guide procedural and policy decisions.
Research suggests that by having consistent expectations across the school, explicitly teaching behavioral expectations, acknowledging expected behaviors, and handling behavioral violations consistently, the school environment can be positively impacted. PBIS is not a curriculum or a single intervention – it is a change in the school system’s climate.
The above expectations have been developed into lessons that adults will teach through modeling and practice to ensure that every student knows and understands what these expectations look like and sound like in each setting. Every student and adult at the school will take nothing for granted, which is why each expectation is clear, concise, and sustainable.
Good leaders will show exemplary behaviors in all settings. Our CR-PBIS program is “how” we will grow leaders to take ownership of their school.