
Ziegler family and student

Ziegler family and students

William H. Ziegler School 2024-2025 School Plan

 Ziegler School Parent Compact SY24-25

Ziegler Community Contact

Join the Ziegler family by reaching out to Ms. Virginia Williams at



 Handbooks and Guides

This year we will send home Ziegler’s Student Handbook and the School Parent Compact.  We also sent home the Student Code-of-Conduct-24-25. If you are interested in helping out at Ziegler this year, please reach out to our family FACE coordinator, Ms. Virginia Williams at

Permission Forms

During the school year your child(ren) will work on projects and do great writing.  Some of the work your child(ren) do we will want to post on our school’s website.  The choice is up to your child (with your permission) and nothing will be posted unless it is allowed.  We will only use grade and first name only for writing and multimedia work.  We will only use grade for pictures.  If you want to allow your child(ren)’s work to be posted to our site, please fill out the  PERMISSION FORM 2 and send it to your child’s teacher.

During the year your child(ren) will be invited to go on school trips.  The “trip slips” will be sent home for you to sign.  If the slip gets lost you can fill out another TRIP SLIP and send it in to the teacher.